第29回BC州日本語弁論大会 募集要項



The Annual British Columbia Japanese Speech Contest is open to British Columbia and Yukon residents who speak Japanese as a foreign or second language. The 2017 Contest will be held onSaturday, March 4, 2017 at Asian Centre, The University of British Columbia.
The High School Division is tentatively scheduled to start at 10:00 am and the University/Open Division at 1:00 pm. The finalized schedule will be published on Monday, February 20, 2017 on the Consulate General of Japan’s website: www.vancouver.ca.emb-japan.go.jp
Admission is free and everyone is welcome to attend the event.


Each contest applicant must satisfy all of the following criteria:
1.Is living, studying, or working in British Columbia or Yukon;
2.Speaks Japanese as a foreign or second language;
3.For the High School Division: Grades 10 – 12 students under 18 years of age,
For the University and Open Divisions: 18 or over 18 years of age;
4.Has previously not won the 1st prize in the category for which the applicant is entering this time.


Each applicant is allowed to enter in one category only.



Speech topics may be drawn from any field.
For reference, some of the past winners speeches are posted on the Consulate’s website.


1. Online application form
Fill out an online application form found at: http://asia.ubc.ca/2017-bc-japanese-speech-contest/

2-1. Speech draft
Submit via email a file of the applicant’s typed speech draft: font size 12 pt

2-2. Audio recording of the speech (minimum length: one minute)
Submit via email an audio file in MP3 format or a format that is playable on a CD player. Please
ZIP your audio file if it exceeds 3MB.

Email address: programs@vc.mofa.go.jp
On the speech draft and its recording, indicate clearly
the applicant’s name and division and category of entry.

NOTE: The copyright of the speech and speech recording submitted will remain with the Japanese Speech Contest Organizing Committee.

Application for entry is accepted until 5 pm, Monday, February 6, 2017.

The Organizing Committee will review all the applications and select qualified applicants to proceed to the final contest. The selected applicants will be contacted by the Committee. The list of final contestants will be posted on Monday, February 20, 2017 on the Consulate’s website


1) The applicants not selected for the final contest will not be contacted.
2) Any category that fails to attract a sufficient number of successful contestants will be cancelled.
3) The Organizing Committee reserves the right to make final decisions as to who will proceed to the final contest and in which category they will compete.


The major criteria are the speech’s (a) content, (b) language use, and (c) presentation. An appropriate length and delivery from memorization are parts of presentation.


1) Reading the speech draft is subject to penalty. Placing the draft on the podium is for very discrete reference only.
2) The speech length limit is to be adhered. Overtime will be subject to penalty. Overly short speeches will be penalized as well.
3) Winners may not be declared if no contestants met the standard expected for the category.


* A participation prize to all final contestants.
* Certificates and prizes to the top contestants in each category.
* Special prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the Organizing Committee.
